Early Childhood
Our Preschool is a nurturing and interactive environment that fosters the emotional, physical, social, and intellectual growth of every child. Our goal is to guide children gently on their own unique journeys into the world of classroom learning.

Our educational program is child-centered, play-based, and allows children to explore, manipulate, and interact with their environment. We work in small groups to allow for questioning and learning by using all the senses, and to give the teacher a sensitive understanding of how each child learns.
We use an activity center model in which each of the following centers is designed to reach specific goals:
MANIPULATIVES AREA for fine motor skills and mathematical concepts.
DRAMATIC PLAY AREA for sharing, creativity, expressive and creative language skills.
BLOCK AREA for problem-solving, math, and teamwork.
COOKING & BAKING CENTER for literacy, mathematical concepts, science, hands-on activities, and nutrition.
MUSIC & MOVEMENT SPACE for singing and listening, instruments, physical fitness, and coordination.
OUTDOOR PLAY for large muscle movement.
LITERACY AREA for text-rich classroom and immersive literature experiences.
LIBRARY AREA for foundational reading and writing and love of books.
ART CENTER for creativity, original expression, and free thinking.
SAND & WATER AREA for science, relaxing, calming, and re-energizing